

All workshops were tailored to the particular intentions and wishes of the company and the various conditions organized accordingly.

Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KGHeraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG

The aim was to implement a stimulating painting action with a learning effect. Some of the results were to be incorporated in company rooms or taken home by the participants as souvenirs. The event was planned for three hours and took place in the winter of 2007 as part of a two-day meeting. The venue was a hotel seminar room.


Lehrtätigkeit WIrtschaft-13K Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH

The desired aim: A creative painting action. In addition to having positive effects on the working atmosphere they wanted to be able to present the results permanently on the agency’s walls. The workshop was planned for five hours and took place at my workshop on a Saturday in the summer of 2006.


Lehrtätigkeit WIrtschaft-2Fidelity Investment Services GmbH

About 28 people particiated in the workshop for Fidelity Investment Services GmbH (in 2005). The action was part of a larger company event and took place one evening after work in the Bergström Studios. The motto for the workshop was supplied by Fidelity. All results were susequently presentd in the Fidelity company rooms in Kronberg.


Lehrtätigkeit WIrtschaft-4The Boston Consulting Group GmbH

The workshop was initiated and organized for a department of the BCG in Frankfurt. Some of the participants were very interested in art and in the preliminary discussion expressed the wish to apply practical work processes to their preliminary drawings. The reuslts remained in the possession of the participants and were shown in a temporary exhibition in the normal company rooms. The workshop with BCG took place in my workshop on a Saturday in 2005.

» Resonanzen der Teilnehmenden (pdf)
» Interview mit Bernd Fischer über Wirtschaft und Kunst

More Teaching

» Art Academy
» Albert-Schweizer-School, Offenbach
» Anne-Frank-Schule, Frankfurt/Main
» Georg-Büchner-Schule, Frankfurt/Main

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